Saturday, June 4, 2011

Very successful start to the season

The challenge and commitment to travelling back and forth across the US/Canadian border at least monthly has really paid off for the committed musicians of Northwest/White Spot United Pipe Band. Scotland gets closer each week, and the band is starting to really get excited about it now.

The Annual Gathering in BC, Easter Weekend: 3rd overall, but 2nd in piping, 3rd in piping, 2nd in drumming and 3rd in Ensemble. A great first performance in Grade 3.

Comox Valley Highland Games, Courtenay, BC, May 21st: 2nd of 2, 1st in piping, 2nd in piping, 2nd in drumming, 2nd in ensemble.

Victoria Highland Games, Victoria, BC, May 22nd: 3rd of 3, two 3rds in piping, 2nd in drumming, 2nd in ensemble.

Bellingham Highland Games, Ferndale, WA June 4: Tie for 2nd, won on ensemble preference. 2nd and 3rd in piping, 3rd in drumming,1st in ensemble. A first time out as Lead Stroke for Robbie G, nice work everyone!

Bellingham Solo results:

Grade 4 piping 2/4 March
3rd: Diego A
4th: Caleb V

Grade 4 piping 6/8 March
3rd: Diego A

Aggregate in Grade 3 piping: Marcus D
Grade 3 Piping - 2/4 March
1st: Marcus D

Grade 3 Piping - Strathspey & Reel
1st: Marcus D

Grade 2 Piping Aggregate: Liam H
Grade 2 Piping Hornpipe & Jig
2nd - Liam H
Grade 2 Piping MSR
1st - Liam H

Grade 1 Piping Aggregate: Alexander Schiele
Grade 1 Piping Hornpipe & Jig:
2nd Alexander Schiele

Grade 1 Piping March, Strathspey & Reel
1st Alexander Schiele

Grade 4 Side Drumming 4/4 March
2nd - Robert G

Grade 4 Side Drumming 2/4 March
4th - Robert G
Grade 3 Side 6/8 March
2nd - Eric C

Grade 2 Side March, Strathspey & Reel
2nd - Bryce K

G2 Side Hornpipe & Jig
4th - Bryce K
Grade 2 Tenor 6/8 March
1st: Marissa Lytle NWJPB Alum/Instructor
3rd: Alexis H

G2 Tenor 6/8 March
1st: Alexis H
2st: Marissa Lytle, NWJPB Alum/Instructor

Bass Drumming, March, Strathspey & Reel
1st: Morgan S

Photo from Comox Valley Highland Games, donated by Weatherly Images